Napule È, The Song that Captures a City | Naples, Italy

Goethe on Lake Garda

The Story of St Mark’s Mosaics (Video)

Eastern Influences on St. Mark’s Basilica in Venice, Italy (Video)

In this episode of our Insights series, Jennifer Raezer, Approach Guides founder, explores the eastern influences that shaped the art and architecture of St. Mark’s Basilica in Venice, Italy, highlighting the church’s domes, floorplan, and mosaics, which were influenced by Venice’s interaction with the Byzantine (Constantinople/Istanbul) and Fatimid (Cairo) empires.

Off the Beaten Path in Sicily: Palermo’s Qanats

Eat Slow Food in Italy

An unrivaled way to eat local in Italy.

Dome Mosaics of Martorana (Palermo, Sicily)

The Oldest Mosaics in Venice’s St Mark’s Basilica

Touring Mount Vesuvius – Hiking Tips & Directions