Spain Revealed: Córdoba’s Mezquita

Destination: Córdoba, Spain

Travel guidebook summary

Cordóba’s Great Mosque, known as la Mezquita, is one of the greatest surviving structures from the 700 years during which Islamic forces controlled the Iberian peninsula. A massive structure constructed in five stages from 785-988 by the Umayyads who had been displaced from their former capital in Damascus, it reveals a unrivaled collection of art and architecture.

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★ I visited Cordoba many times
I visited Cordoba many times but did not fully appreciate in until after reading this guide. I had bought the Approach guide to Angkor Wat and since bought their other books. Very detailed, very architectural. Not for the “lonley planet” crowd who wants to know where to go shopping.

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